The perfect gift for the forward-thinking friend, our 2024 Diary will help them mark the days! Whether they want to jot down daily thoughts or plan their year ahead. They can be sure that this diary will be with them until 2025 and beyond! Buy now and be super cool!
The BASIC NOTEBOOK is a simpler version of our original notebook. We know that some of our customers love the Deafmessanger aesthetics but they would prefer the interior of the notebooks to be more minimalistic. That’s why we reduced the “analog” inserts to only one sheet (old newspapers, magazines…), leaving you enough space and lots of pages to fill as you wish. The cover is offset printed and made from recycled paper (350 g). The back cover is finished with spray paint and stencils. We have been asked to make notebooks with ruled paper so the BASIC line comes in two versions: notebooks with blank paper for those that don’t want any limitations for writing or sketching and notebooks with...
Deafmessanger was always about notebooks and diaries...but it was always about drinking coffee as well. We have been payed by a bag of coffee by some of you and for a long time we have been thinking about making our own coffee cups. So here they are. We love them and coffee just tastes delicious from them....Deafmessanger byl vždy definován diáři a deníky...byl však také definován kávou. Kafe milujeme a mnozí z vás nám dokonce za naše produkty platili pytlíkem kávy. Dlouho jsme chtěli udělat své vlastní hrnky a konečně jsme plán zrealizovali. Hrozně nás baví a kafe z nich chutná lahodně. Nakupuj tady
We had a little argument with Vita about this design. Happens sometimes and I'm grateful for it. After years of trying to predict which design will sell and which not we gave up. We can almost never guess that. So here comes the ice cream design. He said: „who is going to buy it?“. I said : „Everyone! Guarantied!“. Well I know at least about one person who will love it. My girlfriend Luise (no she doesn't have to pay). She loves Ice cream. Sometimes I think that she would rather live with the ice cream guy than me but don't tell her that! She may say that I'm right . So lets see. I love it. It „resembles“ summer....
Deafmessanger Wood Turning Tento projekt začal jako hobby, podobně jako deníky Deafmessanger. Nejdřív jsem se dlouho díval na videa soustružníků a říkal si, jak skvělé musí být pracovat se dřevem tímto způsobem. V roce 2018 jsme s rodinou plánovali strávit dva týdny na chalupě mých rodičů. Je to velký rodinný dům, ale rodiče mu řikají chalupa a já jsem přebral jejich názvosloví. Pradědeček byl houslař a vůbec hodně pracoval se dřevem. Na dvorku je proto malá, ale skvěle vybavená dílna. Vzpomněl jsem si, že tam býval soustruh, a tak jsem zavolal tátovi a zeptal se, jestli tam pořád někde je. Táta mi řekl, že už nebyl funkční a tak skončil někde na skládce. Začal jsem prohledávat inzeráty a našel jeden...